
Aline Siegenthaler

Externes (non affichés dans Staff)

Research projects (collaboration)


01.2025 - 12.2028

Le développement de la communication orale ainsi que de l’interaction (la participation à une conversation) est fortement valorisé dans les documents cadres de l’enseignement des langues étrangères que ce soit dans le CECR, les documents...


Immersion and bilingual education programmes in Switzerland

A critical literature review and bibliographic database


03.2021 - 12.2024

In Switzerland, language immersion and bilingual education programmes have been both promoted and in demand for quite some time. The topic has also been the focus of numerous scholarly studies that, however, are not always known or accessible....


07.2021 - 02.2023

The Inventar des zweisprachigen Unterrichts (inventory of bilingual education) provides an overview of bilingual education in Switzerland, specifically of all bilingual education programmes currently in progress (2021/2022 school year) at...